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5V needs to supply power to the wifi module, do you have any good ideas?

11월 18, 2020 by Raya 1613

The 15V to 5V circuit built by TPS54331, now 5V is needed to power a wifi module, and the dynamic response needs to be improved. Do you have any good ideas?

모든 댓글

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Arman 게시 날짜 November 18, 2020

1. The capacity of C18 is increased to 330uF.

2. Connect a 2.2nF capacitor in parallel with R7.

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Lela 게시 날짜 November 18, 2020

C18 increase to 47UF C14 try 0. 01uf

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Kamran 게시 날짜 November 18, 2020

Consider the power consumption of the module and the ripple requirements, and then select the appropriate power IC, leaving a margin for the power supply. The power IC can refer to the typical circuit of the specification.


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