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About the serial communication between STM32 and zigbee module.

11월 25, 2020 by Miya 1985

The serial communication problem I encountered is the communication between the STM32 and the zigbee module. The STM32 module can communicate with the computer serial debugging assistant, and the zigbee module can also communicate with the computer serial debugging assistant, but after the two are connected , Can’t communicate, what could be the reason for this? Both are TTL levels, and the baud rate settings are also consistent. After STM32 supplies power to zigbee, it can also communicate with the computer serial debugging assistant. (Stm32 is the main control, zigbee is the peripheral).

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Karlie 게시 날짜 November 25, 2020

You can test whether the connection is correct.

STM32-tx->zigbee rx

STM32-Rx->zigbee Tx


If there is no problem with the connection, you can check whether the respective stop bit, address bit, and parity bit settings are consistent.

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Lina 게시 날짜 November 25, 2020

Caused by baud rate error.

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Rolando 게시 날짜 November 25, 2020

Stm32 depends on the software settings

Zigbee depends on its characteristics

If they are consistent, use an oscilloscope to test the transmitted and received waveforms.

If you can test sending and receiving separately

You can see that stm32 can receive data when zigbee sends data consistently.

To test whether the receiving zigbee is received correctly, you can send data through stm32 to test whether there is a reply waveform.

In addition, the baud rate error may also be a cause, which can be solved by selecting the appropriate frequency to reduce the baud rate error sent by stm32.

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Dale 게시 날짜 November 25, 2020

The first is the hardware problem, including pin connection and level compatibility, etc.; then, the software problem is whether the serial port setting is correct, including the baud rate and some parameters; finally, it is really not possible to see if the format of the sent message is wrong. What does it end with.


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