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Ask about CAN bus communication.

EDA & PCB design
7월 24, 2020 by Lydia 1710

Hello everyone, I would like to ask a few questions below:

Problem description: The core module (EMS6802) + the original configuration backplane, can communicate normally;

The core module (EMS6802) + the backplane made by yourself, can not communicate normally;

The problem is: when using its own backplane, the core module's sending and receiving IO ports have no signals. When using the original configuration of the backplane, both the sending and receiving IO ports have signals;

The schematic diagram of the can port is shown in the picture:

모든 댓글

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Nolan 게시 날짜 July 24, 2020

First check whether the core board is working properly, and then check whether there is any problem with the wiring sequence.

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Melanie 게시 날짜 July 24, 2020

Have you checked whether there is any problem with the board interface you made?

  • Lydia

    Lydia 게시 날짜 July 24, 2020

    After checking, there is no problem with logic or anything.

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Brody 게시 날짜 July 24, 2020

Does the main chip of the backplane configured by yourself have the function of CAN controller.


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