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Consult the capacitor heating.

Hardware design
7월 20, 2020 by Robert 1791

Recently I made a timer. The circuit is shown in the figure. The power supply uses a resistance-capacitance step-down, 24V relay drive current is 15mA, stc15W101 single-chip microcomputer, and the normal working current is 5-6mA. Now the power supply part CBB heats up, and the electrolysis C3 also heats up. Please high Workers give pointers.


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Aaron 게시 날짜 July 20, 2020

In this era, there is no need to step down. For safety, the voltage isolated from the AC is all over the ground, and it is safe. It is recommended.

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Lily 게시 날짜 July 20, 2020

It should be that the output current is too small.

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Austin 게시 날짜 July 20, 2020

It stands to reason that the CBB should not be hot. You can try another 400V safety capacitor. C3 look at a higher withstand voltage.


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