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K60 MCU failed to download the program with Jlink, keil5 prompt: flash download failed cortex-M4.

12월 11, 2020 by Prudence 1937

I recently studied k60 single-chip microcomputer, using Super Nuclear Electronics Technology KinetisK series development board, the routine is the official routine provided by Super Nuclear Electronics Technology, but the program download always appears: flash download faiLED cortex-M4 error, but When downloading some other official routines, they can download normally. I have compared them. There is no difference in the configuration of keil5 in these programs. The choice of flash is also correct. I don’t know how to solve this problem. I hope everyone Dalao spared no effort to enlighten me, thank you.


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Kiefer 게시 날짜 December 11, 2020

These are the flash configuration


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Jones 게시 날짜 December 11, 2020

It seems that the connection with the target board failed.

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Jones 게시 날짜 December 11, 2020

It seems that the connection with the target board failed.

  • Lotus

    Lotus 게시 날짜 December 11, 2020

    It depends on the version of KEIL you are using. Don't use the latest version when updating the library above 5 boards. NXP cannot be downloaded. Many people on the Internet say that the .FLM file cannot be found, but this is not the reason. Let's analyze the specific situation in detail. The following is my version 1.5.0 removed, using 1.4.0, the problem is solved.

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