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The single-chip PWM controls the field effect tube, and the power is turned on by mistake.

Hardware design
3월 02, 2021 by Jody 1512

The PWM control field effect tube of the stc single-chip microcomputer, the power is turned on by mistake, the P4 outputs 24V at the moment of power on, and the duration is several hundred milliseconds. Theoretically, the stc single-chip microcomputer is powered on with high level, Q5 is turned on, and Q4 is blocked.


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Hermione 게시 날짜 March 2, 2021

Regardless of high or low level, Q4 is turned on. At high level, Q5 turns on.

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Carlton 게시 날짜 March 2, 2021

At the moment of power-on, the voltage drop on capacitor C9 is 0V... Try removing C9?


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