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The whole circuit cannot work, and the microcontroller cannot start. What kind of external circuit can be added to make the negative electrode disconnected during normal work?

11월 20, 2020 by Britta 1764

The two isolated power supplies are voltage A and power B respectively. Power A is a 0-6V uncontrollable power supply (such as photovoltaic panels), and power B is also an uncontrollable power supply (such as lithium batteries). Now the positive poles of power supply A and power supply B are linked together, and the negative pole of the mos tube controller. The problem now appears: my power supply B (lithium battery), undervoltage protection, after it is turned off, the voltage output is 0V, which causes the entire circuit to fail to work and the microcontroller cannot start. So what kind of external circuit can be used to disconnect the negative pole during normal work. Power A has electricity, and the negative pole of power B (lithium battery) is closed when it is dead. In layman's terms, it is a power bank. When it is out of power, I use photovoltaic panels to charge the power bank. But sometimes the rainy days are too long, causing the power bank to be over-discharged. The lithium battery in the power bank is completely shut down and cannot be started. At this time, the photovoltaic panel voltage is required to stimulate. However, this stimulation voltage is only effective when the lithium battery is dead, and the lithium battery is immediately disconnected when it is charged.

    Guys, is there such a more reliable circuit?

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Sven 게시 날짜 November 20, 2020

Is there a circuit diagram?

  • Britta

    Britta 게시 날짜 November 20, 2020

    I want to design a circuit of this kind because there is no circuit diagram design. Normally, when both power supplies of AB have voltage, they are disconnected, and when A has voltage and B has no voltage, it is closed.

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Britta 게시 날짜 November 20, 2020

Now the main circuit is a common positive, I want to design a bypass.

  • Britta

    Britta 게시 날짜 November 20, 2020

    Should I charge the battery after the bypass is connected?

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Sven 게시 날짜 November 20, 2020

No, it just stimulates the battery voltage to recover.


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