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tl431 voltage regulation problem.

10월 30, 2020 by Wendy 1608

Capacitor step-down, generally use Zener tube, I use it without it, 431...but it's bad,

I can’t figure out the reason, because the rectifier tube is also worn, and now I don’t know that the original rectifier tube is broken

Still wear it all at once, can't the 431 replace the Zener?


모든 댓글

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Janelle 게시 날짜 October 30, 2020

Three-terminal adjustable shunt reference source. Its output voltage can be arbitrarily set to any value in the range from Vref (2.5V) to 36V with two resistors. It can be used to replace Zener diodes in many applications, such as digital voltmeters and operational amplifier circuits. , Adjustable voltage power supply, switching power supply, etc.

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Angie 게시 날짜 October 30, 2020

tl431 cannot be used in power supplies with large currents, and a 431 drive circuit should be added later.

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Beatrice 게시 날짜 October 30, 2020

The output current capability of the 431 is limited.


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