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When STM32F103C8T6 is doing three-resistance sampling, the interrupt enters two consecutive interrupts.

12월 10, 2020 by Hakeem 1869

I use STM32F103C8T6 for three-resistance sampling. The ADC trigger mode is CC4 channel trigger, and the ADC working mode is synchronous injection mode. The sampling is ADC1 three channels and ADC2 three channels. After entering the ADC interrupt, until finally exiting the ADC interrupt, ADC->SR immediately becomes OXfffffffe again, and then immediately enters the interrupt. That is, two consecutive interrupts are entered before exiting. Until the second CC4 channel trigger.

Who has encountered this situation?

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Rosemarie 게시 날짜 December 10, 2020

Did not clear the ADC interrupt flag?

There are routines in the official library, see what is different about your program.

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Kalie 게시 날짜 December 10, 2020

So there are two ADCs, of course, interrupt twice. ADC1 and ADC2 are two independent ADCs.

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Shalom 게시 날짜 December 10, 2020

Haven't used it like this, you can look at the firmware library routines.


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